Payday Loans are bridge loans up to $500 that are intended to help customers with low or no credit that need a little extra cash before their next payday. At A-1 Payday Loans, we pride ourselves in helping customers who find themselves in unexpected financial situations.
Payday Loans are often misunderstood and can be shed in an unfavorable light. Truth be told, many of those who offer criticism do not actually understand payday loans or the many benefits for those who need and use them. The fee for a Payday Loan is often less than the fees charged by most banks with overdraft features. The big banks have at times criticized payday lenders. Yet, if you compare the bank fees charged on overdraft amounts to fees on a payday loan for the same amount, the bank fees are most often higher!
A-1 is here to clear up any confusion! Explore these common myths about payday loans. Most importantly, if you need fast cash, please call one of our four locations near you (North Jackson, South Jackson, Pearl, Vicksburg) to find out if a Payday Loan is right for you!