Payday Loans

One of the best ways to secure quick cash for an unexpected financial need is to apply for a payday advance loan. There are many legitimate payday loans online but A-1 Financial has 20+ years in the industry, making us a tried and true lender for you! We want to solve your immediate cash needs with a quick and easy payday loan from A-1.
What are payday loans? They are fast personal loans designed to carry you financially until your next paycheck, also known as bridge loans. They are usually short term and for smaller amounts of cash. A-1 Financial has built our stellar reputation on providing you with fast cash, with reliability and safety. Our payday loans are short term loans, up to $500.00. These loans are paid back in full within approximately 14-30 days, or on your next payday.
Benefits of Payday Lenders
Need a payday loan now? A-1 knows you’re doing everything you can and that unexpected financial needs happen. The advantages of payday loans are outlined here for you!
No Credit, Bad Credit, No Problem!
1. Speed: A major advantage of payday advance loans is that they are usually quick to receive. Simply call or visit A-1 at one of our four stores, or apply for payday loans online here on our website. Get cash the same day.
2. Qualify easily: A-1 will assess if your job income, how much you make per month, and how able you are to repay the loan. If those factors and more line up, you’ll qualify.
3. No need for credit: You will be eligible for payday loans even if you don’t have a good credit score or debt service ratio. It’s true: you do not have to have any credit rating in order to get this type of loan!
Qualify for a payday loan today! It’s as simple as a click or call to A-1 where our friendly representatives will walk you through the easy process and get cash in your hands today!
Payday Loans Terms and Conditions
Certain limitations apply to our payday loans. We provide loans only to the residents of Mississippi. We offer our products under Mississippi law, and are governed by Mississippi law and the regulations issued by the Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance.